
Nuclear power is increasingly attracting attention. At the same time, the controversy surrounding its desirability continues. Before reflecting on the desirability of nuclear power we first need to narrow down the focus on the different fuel cycles, as they differently influence the interest of the present and future generations. I approach the desirable option in nuclear power production from the perspective of safeguarding the interests of future generations.
We have at least two duties to posterity, i.e. to ensure their well-being and not to harm them. These duties have different scopes and they are conditional in the sense that they might be overruled by more compelling duties. By weighting these duties and relating them to the technological reality of nuclear power production, I argue that Partitioning and Transmutation (P&T) should be preferred as it substantially reduces the waste life-time. P&T is, however, a scientifically proven method that requires decades of development, with additional burdens for contemporaries. By addressing these intergenerational conflicts, I seek out for situations in which future interest should guide us in choosing a certain technology.

Het (jaar)thema “De verwevenheid van ethiek en technologie” wordt gepresenteerd door promovendi van het 3TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology”. De lezingen zijn gericht op ingenieurs die geïnteresseerd zijn in beschouwingen over onder meer de politieke en morele lading van techniek en die de sprekers feedback willen geven vanuit hun eigen ervaringen. Voor nadere informatie kan een e-mail bericht worden gestuurd naar . Van de zijde van het 3TU.centre wordt het programma gecoördineerd door Dr Claudia Basta. Website:


Behnam Taebi (1977) obtained his master’s degree in Material Science and Engineering at Delft University of Technology in 2005. He also completed an additional minor in Public and Business Administration at the faculty of Technology Policy and Management. Before starting on his PhD research Taebi held a position as lecturer within the Department of Philosophy at TU Delft for one year. Whilst doing his PhD research he continued to teach on a part-time basis. In January 2007, he embarked on his PhD research into nuclear power and considerations of justice between generations, which was funded by the 3 TU Centre for Ethics and Technology. Taebi will defend his PhD dissertation on June 29 in Delft. He is currently employed by the Department of Philosophy.


Vergadercentrum, Vredenburg 19



Filosofie & Techniek

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Nadere informatie bij Henk Uijttenhout (vz), tel.: 070 - 3875293 / 06 - 42505844 of via onderstaand e-mailadres. .