17 april 2024
11:45 uur - 13:00 uur

E lunch Webinar - Verduurzaming door samenwerking in lokale duurzame energiesystemen

Lokale energiesystemen bieden mogelijkheden voor verduurzaming ondanks netcongestie en onzekere energieprijzen. Binnen een lokaal energiesysteem werken afnemers en producenten van energie samen om uitbreiding en verduurzaming van economische activiteiten mogelijk te maken. Nick de Wilt, deelt in dit webinar, de lessen van Windunie over hoe te komen tot een lokaal duurzaam energiesysteem.

EL Utrecht
DC Grids in Industry Phoenix Contact
21 februari 2024
11:45 uur - 13:00 uur

Slides and recording E Lunch Webinar: DC power grids in industry will solve grid congestion?

In today's world, most end devices are already powered by direct current (DC). Both charging stations and electric drives in industrial environments work with direct current generated by alternating current. By connecting to the DC grid, it is also possible to feed the braking energy of a system back into the grid as electrical power. Produced surpluses are collected in energy storage systems and, if necessary, fed back into the grid. As a result, the feed-in capacity is reduced by up to 80%. In addition, both peak load and load on the public grid can be reduced. Tobias Lüke Technical Project & Technology Management at Phoenix Contact, would like to explain the role DC grids play in the electricity supply of industry.

EL Zuid-Holland