The Biezeno Award 2019 has been awarded to Dr. Frits de Prenter
Dr. Frits de Prenter is the winner of the 2019 Biezeno Award for his PhD thesis in Engineering Mechanics.
The jury was comprised of Professor Dick van Campen (TUE, chair), Professor Viggo Tvergaard (TU Denmark) and Dr. Frans Klever (Well Design Engineering).
They have selected Dr Frits de Prenter for his outstanding PhD research, performing detailed analysis of the fundamentals, but also simulations on real life engineering problems. He defended his PhD thesis cum laude on the 27th of June 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. His promotor was professor Harald van Brummelen and his co-promotor was Dr. Clemens Verhoosel. His research was performed in the group of Multiscale Engineering Fluid Dynamics at Eindhoven University of Technology.
de Prenter's PhD thesis is titled: Preconditioned iterative solution techniques for immersed finite element methods - with applications in immersed isogeometric analysis for solid and fluid mechanics.
The Biezeno Award was awarded at the Engineering Mechanics symposium, which was held in Papendal on October 22nd, 2019.
The Biezeno Award is the award for the best PhD thesis on Solid Mechanics in the Netherlands and is a collaboration between KIVI Mechanics and the Graduate School of Engineering Mechanics (EM). More information can be found here.