The Biezeno Award 2017 has been awarded to Dr. Pim Versteijlen

The "Biezeno Award for Solid Mechanics" for 2018 has been awarded to Dr. Pim Versteijlen. The jury was composed of Professor Dick van Campen (TUE, chair), Professor Viggo Tvergaard  (TU Denmark) and Dr. Frans Klever (Well Design Engineering) and proposed to nominate Dr. Hendrikse because of the completeness of his work, combining both experimental work with numerical modeling.


Versteijlen's PhD thesis is titled: Identification of effective 1D soil models for large-diameter offshore wind turbine foundations based on insitu seismic measurements and 3D modelling

His promotor was Professor A.V. Metrikine and his copromotor was doctor K. van Dalen. His research was performed at the department of Hydraulic Engineering of the Delft University of Technology.

The Biezeno Award was awarded at the 20th Engineering Mechanics symposium which was held in Papendal on October 24th, 2018 .

The Biezeno Award is the award for the best PhD thesis on Solid Mechanics in the Netherlands and is a collaboration between KIVI Mechanics and the Graduate School of Engineering Mechanics (EM). More information can be found here.