On 24 April the Financial Times published a list of the fastest-expanding 1000 companies, based on revenue growth between 2012 and 2015. Not surprisingly the vast majority belongs in the range of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME, or MKB in Dutch), that is companies with fewer than 100 employees. Yet the very top of the list is taken by HelloFresh of Germany, which had 961 employees in 2015.

On 24 April the Financial Times published a list of the fastest-expanding 1000 companies, based on revenue growth between 2012 and 2015. Not surprisingly the vast majority belongs in the range of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME, or MKB in Dutch), that is companies with fewer than 100 employees. Yet the very top of the list is taken by HelloFresh of Germany, which had 961 employees in 2015.

Also not surprisingly, many of these fast growers can be found in the area of IT, on-line advertising, big data, etc. But there are also some (for us) more interesting entrants. Take number 10, for instance: Landwärme (20 employees). They proudly call themselvs "Biomethan-Unternehmen der ersten Stunde". (They have been around since 2007).
Number 21 is taken by Biomassa Forestal of Spain (217 employees); they seem to be dealing in wood pellets and chips. If you speak Spanish you may click here.