The remaining OT lectures on 16 April and 14 May shall be cancelled to minimise infection risk and to be in compliance with Dutch government regulations. Currently we’re looking into digital alternatives, although we realise this would require a different format than you may be used to from regular OT activities. As always, we recommend you keep track of the KIVI OT LinkedIn page and the OT website, on which we’ll be communicating future activities and other events.


3D Printing is vastly maturing within automotive and aerospace industries. In the maritime and offshore industry, where components are typically characterized by their large dimensions and weights, 3D printing developments are taking place. Both Damen Shipyards as well as Huisman Equipment have recently devoted efforts to employ 3D printing for manufacturing purposes.
Representatives from both companies will share insights and experiences gained by working with this novel production technique.

This evening is organized in cooperation with KIVI Maritime Technology.

* Sandwiches beforehand and drinks afterwards are offered with the compliments of Damen and Huisman.
* Registration for KIVI members opens at 16 February 2020.
* For non-members -if seats are still available- registration opens at 9 April 2020.
* Until 15 April you can indicate with your registration if reserving sandwiches is necessary for you.
* After 15 April there may be a possibility to registrate -if not fully booked- but no sandwiches will be reserved for you. You will expected by 19.00h then.

Hugo Romer (R&D Engineer at Huisman) and Timo Kreule (R&D Engineer at Damen).


 -  uur Sandwiches
 -  uur Lecture and drinks