
Lezingenavond met als onderwerp: "Integrity and integrity management of Flexible Risers - An Operator's view".

High-pressure flexible pipe first came about during the 1970s and is widely used these days as flexible riser, flowline or jumper. The applications in the North Sea and outside have been many due to advantages such as the natural match with FPSOs, the ease of installation and its corrosion resistance. Shell has supported the development of flexible pipe from the mid-1970s. Notwithstanding in the past decades and applications, flexible pipe has not managed to shake off its checkered reputation in terms of reliability. The lecture will describe the most prominent failure modes of this composite construction, complete with examples from the field. The presentation will address the ways these failure modes should be prevented in the future or detected during the design, manufacturing, installation and during its useful service by QA/ QC, monitoring and inspection. Key outstanding development items will be highlighted in conjunction with today's state of the art.


Hans Out, Senior Structural Engineer bij Shell International Exploration & Production BV, Projects & Technology.

* Er is om 18.00 uur gelegenheid tot deelname aan de gesponsorde broodmaaltijd.
* De broodmaaltijd vooraf en de borrel na afloop worden aangeboden door Shell.
* De borrel na afloop wordt gehouden in café "de Posthoorn" op het Lange Voorhout.
* Tot uiterlijk 14 december kunt u aangeven of u aan de broodmaaltijd wilt deelnemen.
* Na 14 december kunt u zich -zolang het maximum aantal deelnemers nog niet bereikt is - nog wel aanmelden, maar is er voor u geen broodmaaltijd gereserveerd. U wordt dan om 19.00 uur verwacht.


KIVI NIRIA Gebouw, Prinsessegracht 23

2514 AP Den Haag


Offshore Techniek

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