About the company

* Resource: https://thekitepower.com/

Kitepower is a Dutch leading start-up in Airborne Wind Energy (AWE), developing innovative and cost-effective alternatives to existing wind turbines by using kites to generate electricity. Kitepower's patented technology is a game-changer in the wind energy sector, using 90% less material while being twice as efficient than existing technology with the same power output. Unlike conventional wind turbines, a Kitepower system does not require resource-intensive towers or heavy foundations and is thus easy to transport and deploy. Distributed energy generation for microgrids in remote areas around the world, especially on islands, relies on diesel, which is expensive, polluting and difficult to supply. Considering these drawbacks, the urge to hybridize with renewables is growing. Whereas solar electricity generation is only available during daylight and conventional wind turbines are often not feasible due to high transport costs and heavy foundations, Kitepower offers mobile wind energy easy to integrate into existing microgrids, let it be batteries, solar, diesel or grid.


Joep Breuer, CTO at Kitepower

Aerospace Engineer with theoretical and practical background, currently CTO at Kitepower. Active since 2005 in the field of Airborne Wind Energy (AWE). Project manager with a strong engineering role within a wide range of projects dealing with composite structures in aerospace and marine applications, automation of composite production and Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES).

Kitepower on social media

• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kitepower-bv/
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kitepower.bv/
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Kitepower


 -  uur Brief introduction about KIVI/KIE
 -  uur Technical presentation by Kitepower
 -  uur Interactive Q&A
 -  uur Closure