(Hybrid) webinar: ‘Wind engineering research in the built environment’
The Stuurgroep Windtechnologie, or Dutch-Flemish Wind Engineering Association, will host a (hybrid) webinar together with the wind group organized by the KNMI (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut). During this webinar the ongoing research in the field of wind engineering in the built environment will be discussed.
The program will be:
14:00-14:10: Welcome by Ine Wijnant (KNMI wind group) and Chris Geurts (TNO, Introduction to the Stuurgroep Windtechnologie | KIVI)
14:10-14:35: Experimental analysis of wind effects on internal depressurization for asbestos abatement: challenges in scaling (TUE, Anjali Radhakrishnan Jayakumari)
14:35-15:00: Application of in-situ measurements in high-rise buildings to improve the current calculation methods for wind-induced vibrations (Davide Morreti, TNO)
15:00-15:10: Short break
15:10-15:35: Modelling extreme weather events over the North Sea using WRF-ARW (Adithy Vemuri, VKI)
15:35-16:00: Using a morphological approach to predict the potential for high wind speed (Clara Garcia-Sanchez, TU Delft)
If you want to join the webinar, please send an email to Ine Wijnant (KNMI): Ine.wijnant@knmi.nl to register and you will receive a link to the webinar. It is also possible to join the meeting live at the KNMI (de Bilt). Let it know by mail to Ine if you want to make use of this possibility.
Costs: free