Op woensdag 4 oktober a.s. organiseert Studievereniging ConcepT een lunchlezing verzorgd door Arcadis op de Universiteit Twente. KIVI leden zijn hierbij van harte welkom. De lezing begint om 12.40 uur, inloop vanaf 12.30 uur. Deelname is gratis inclusief lunch.

In deze lezing zal Arcadis vertellen over Energie uit Water, met speciale aandacht voor duurzaamheid en de energietransitie. De lezing zal onderwerpen belichten zoals aquathermie, bodemenergie en geothermie.  

The Energy Transition is one of the largest challenges of our time. More and more, it becomes apparent that the water sector has a lot to offer. Solar panels on lakes, geothermal energy and windmills on dikes are just a few examples. For Civil Engineers a unique opportunity to optimize the value of water assets, as well as contribute to sustainability. In this lunch lecture, Thijs Lieverse (UT-alumnus) will tell you about how water experts at Arcadis contribute to the energy transition. He will start with an overview of the various applications and possibilities for energy-water combinations. Afterwards, he’ll make a deep dive in ‘’aquathermie’’: thermal energy from (surface) water. Here, Arcadis has advised several municipalities on how they can provide sustainable heating to homes using nearby rivers and canals. After the lunch lecture, you will have new inspiration for career paths and a better understanding of the (sustainable) impact civil engineers can make when we look further than our own sector.