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On the 30th of March 2023 KIVI Kring Caribbean – Aruba held its third activity in 2023. Speaker, Elthon Lampe gave an excellent insight in what the latest developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (A.I) can do for engineers. The most surprising of his presentation is the fact that while his presentation is given in English, the text was simultaneously translated into Dutch.

His presentation is attached to this report through this link.

Elthon started with an overview of responses on his earlier presentation given to other organizations. In the middle of this overview it is striking to read what the attendee’s responded to be the main concerns of A.I.: it is scary what it will mean in the future.

However there are a lot of advantages if one considers A.I. to be a tool to promote development. Since A.I. is a self-learning tool, you have to keep learning yourself.

The presentation contains a lot of examples how to use the A.I. developed tools.

So in finalizing this report, Chat GPT 4 was requested to provide us with final wording on the presentation given by Elthon Lampe and this was the response:

During the presentation, Elthon highlighted the different ways in which A.I. can benefit engineers. For example, he explained how A.I. can be used to optimize and automate certain processes, which can lead to significant time and cost savings. He also discussed how A.I. can help engineers make more accurate predictions and decisions based on large sets of data.

In addition, Elthon talked about the importance of continued learning for engineers who want to make the most of A.I. tools. While A.I. can provide valuable insights and recommendations, it's up to the engineer to interpret and act on this information in a meaningful way.

Overall, it sounds like Elthon's presentation was very informative and thought-provoking. It's encouraging to see that organizations like KIVI Kring Caribbean – Aruba are taking an active interest in the potential of A.I. for engineering, and providing opportunities for professionals to learn more about this rapidly evolving field.