
KIVI NIRIA Oil and Gas Technology present the Arctic Theme:
By Robert Blaauw and Professor Ove T Gudmestad.

Both presentations will be in English

“Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in the Arctic”

By Robert Blaauw, Senior Advisor Global Arctic Theme, Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.

The 2008 US Geological Survey estimated that the Arctic region contains 13% of the world’s Yet-to-Find (YTF) oil, 30% of the world’s YTF gas, and 20% of the YTF natural gas liquids resources, totaling around 400 billion barrels of oil equivalents. In a world where energy demand continue to soar and “easy oil” comes to an end, these hydrocarbon resources will make a substantial contribution to secure affordable energy supplies for the future.

But exploring and developing oil and gas resources in the Arctic is a true test of the industry’s technological, environmental and social performance capabilities. Arctic resources are located in an unconventional, challenging and unforgiving setting, which require bespoke technical and non-technical solutions. Due to its remoteness, winter darkness, extreme cold, various types of sea ice and a highly sensitive environment and ecosystems, the Arctic is one of the most difficult areas in the world to operate. Additionally, impacts of climate change, the consequences oil and gas development could have on the unique biodiversity and indigenous people’s subsistence way of life, and the industry’s readiness and capability to handle an Arctic offshore oil spill, adds further challenge to the case for Arctic oil and gas development.

Robert will present an overview of these Arctic challenges, enabling technologies and explain Shell’s approach to sustainable oil and gas exploration and development in the Arctic.

"Development of offshore oil and gas field in cold climate"

By Professor Ove T Gudmestad, professor of Marine Technology at the
University of Stavanger, Norway.

The development of the Snøhvit field in 300 m water depth was the first in the Barents Sea. The field is located in the ice free area and is developed by a subsea to shore solution. The onshore facilities were partly being fabricated in Cadiz in Spain and towed to site on a barge. The design basis for the onshore development will be discussed as well as the civil engineering construction activities. Furthermore, the offshore installation work was being delayed by Polar Low pressures. In general work in cold climate regions takes time due to long periods of as the waiting for weather.

The development of the Prirazlomnoye field in 20 m in the Pechora Sea in the Russian sector of the Barents Sea is still ongoing after many years of delays. The ice conditions can be very hard with large ridges moving with the tide. A fixed caisson platform is being fabricated. Offloading will be by loading directly to vessels from the platform. The design basis is being reviewed with emphasis on t


Robert Blaauw, Senior Advisor Global Arctic Theme, Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.

Professor Ove T Gudmestad, professor of Marine Technology at the
University of Stavanger, Norway.



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