
(for Dutch please scroll below, the event will be in English)

What do the Olympic Games mean for the urban development of a city? How can the optimum conditions be created for athletes as well as visitors? When building the facilities, how can we take into account their use not only during the Olympics, but also afterwards?

On Monday 14 September from 12:30 to 16:00, KIVI Sports Engineering and the TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute will be discussing these and other issues surrounding the facilities for the Olympics, as well as new technical developments in this field.

The Olympic Games are the world’s leading sporting event. In the first place because of the immense historic significance of the Games and the huge prestige attached to winning an Olympic medal, but also because of the social and economic impact of the Olympics. Come to the symposium on Monday 14 September to hear more about this subject and take a look at the future: ‘How do today’s successful bid cities, such as Tokyo, tackle the organisation of such a mega-event?’

Please register by 7 September via or

Wat betekenen de Olympische spelen voor de stedelijke ontwikkeling? Hoe worden de optimale omstandigheden gecreëerd voor zowel atleet én bezoeker? Hoe kan bij de bouw van faciliteiten rekening gehouden worden met zowel de Olympische spelen als wel het gebruik ná de spelen?

Maandag 14 september van 12:30-16:00 uur belichten KIVI Sports Engineering en de TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute deze en andere vraagstukken over de faciliteiten van de Olympische spelen en nieuwe technologische ontwikkelingen op dit gebied.

De Olympische spelen zijn het grootste sportevenement ter wereld. In de eerste plaats omdat de sportieve betekenis van een Olympische medaille en de historie van dit sportevenement enorm zijn. Maar ook vanwege de maatschappelijke & economische impact van Olympische spelen.

Kom maandagmiddag 14 september naar het symposium en hoor meer over deze onderwerpen én blik mee vooruit: ‘Hoe gaan huidige bidwinnende steden zoals Tokio in de toekomst om met de organisatie van dit mega event?’

12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-12:40 Welcome
12:40-13:15 Introduction

13:20-13:40 'How Olympic host cities deal with development and their legacy'
Yawei Chen, Assistant Professor section Real Estate, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft

13:45-14:15 ‘Sport stadiums: multi-disciplinary and flexible facility solutions'
Michela Turrin, Assistant Professor Design Informatics Chair, Faculty of
Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft

14:30-14.45 Break-out

14:45-15:05 'Indoor comfort for athletes and participant of sport events'
Regina Bokel, Professor Architectural Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft

15:10-15:40 ‘Smart Dutch Solutions for Future Olympics’
Willemieke Hornis, Senior Policy Advisor at Ministry of Infrastructure
and the Environment

15:40-16:00 Discussion and Closure

Daan Bregman (TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute) and Erik Driessen (KIVI Engineering Society)


Delft University, Faculty of Architecture

and the Built Environment, Berlage Rooms


Sports Engineering

TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Erik Driessen