Report form the “Energy Now” conference 2019, Evoluon, Eindhoven, 22 - 05-2019

The theme of this years Energy Now was “Smart Energy Distribution”. The variability of the outputs of important sources of renewable energy require a smart solution to provide constant and reliable energy for all applications.

The internet of energy in South Holland

The plenary session started off with Arash Aazami. He explained his ideas about distributed energy production and an internet of energy to distribute and sell. He is motivated by the stories het tells about the essential role of energy for people. Especially in Africa where he grew up. Arash is the founder of Kamangir, a consultancy company which develops strategies and actionable innovation pathways towards policy frameworks. In his presentation he reflects on the results of an analysis for the province of South Holland and their future Multi Commodity Energy Infrastructure (Deltagrid 2050).

Figure 1 Arash Aazami on energy infrastructure Deltagrid 2050

Tennet and network extensions

Ginneke van Dijk shows some of the dilemmas in the discussion on distribution and energy transition. We all want more Renewable Energy, but do not want to pay for it and do not want it in our backyard. Nevertheless, plans are being developed (slowly). One of the new initiatives is to combine forces in solving grid congestion with the GOPACS platform which implements market-based congestion management.

A long-term plan has been composed together with Gasunie to combine and optimize electricity and gas infrastructures for the future called “Infrastructure Outlook 2050”. Hydrogen is though to play an important role after 2030.

Workshops on infrastructure

As part of the congress several workshops was organized by companies to interact on their specific task/problem.

ENTSO-E grid upgrade

On a European scale the operators have given their shared views in the TSO-DSO asset management document. Important for future grid usage is the transparency platform. It makes many data available about the flows in the grids of ENTSO-E countries, the import and export of energy. This is part of a Cyber Physical Grid which will be extended in the future and support flexibility.

Panel session

My impression: The panel expresses urgency to act and make consistent smart choices taking social and political issues into account. Several statements were discussed and confronted with the audience in a poll. One example: the ban on cars after 2030 by the municipality of Amsterdam, OK, or too much or not their task? Interesting discussions followed.



 -  uur Inloop
 -  uur Plenaire ochtend sessie: met dagvoorzitter Talitha Muusse
 -  uur Spreker Arash Aazami (Kamangir) en spreker Gineke van Dijk (TenneT)
 -  uur Koffiebreak
 -  uur Workshop ronde 1
 -  uur Beursvloer en lunch
 -  uur Workshop ronde 2
 -  uur Beursvloer en koffiebreak
 -  uur Plenaire ochtend sessie: met spreker Susanne Nies (ENTSO-E)
 -  uur Beursvloer en borrel