Report: AI with a human touch: regulation for co-creation
Source: Innovation Origins

The theme for this event Human-Centered AI: Balancing Technology and Humanity. Human-Centered AI refers to the alignment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems with human values and goals.

The program contained four interesting tracks: research, expert, adoption and start-up track.

The four tracks:
Research track
In the summit’s research track, EAISI-researchers and partners will present their latest findings, specifically around the theme of human-centered AI. Because, not coincidentally, EAISI specifically leverages the university's expertise in Human-Computer Interaction and Ethics as a core competence, aside of Data Science and Engineering Systems. Please join the discussions and get to know in detail what is happening in the center of Brainport’s AI research.

Expert track
Human Centered AI – Balancing Technology and Humanity
We will dive into both the strategical and practical elements of transforming businesses and how to apply AI at scale.

The morning program will focus on organizational transformation: how to adapt to the new era of Generative AI? The afternoon program will focus on disruptive business models and collaboration with AI startups.

Adoption track (in Dutch)
Voor het mkb liggen er volop kansen om waarde te halen uit data. De transitie naar data-optimalisatie is in volle gang. Wat betekent dat voor jouw bedrijf? En hoe haal je hier het meeste profijt uit? Hier gaan we graag over in gesprek tijdens deze track.

Startup track
AI startups - Meet and inspire each other in this track around compelling AI topics by storytelling AI entrepreneurs, with AI support organizations and investors present!

09:00 Walk in, Expo & Networking
10:00 Plenary opening
         Carlo van de Weijer - EAISI
10:10 Round table conversation
         Susan Hommerson, Policy Advisor research at TU/e
         EU AI Act | The impact of AI governance
10:35 Keynote
         Wijnand IJsselsteijn - Full Professor department
         IE&IS - Cognition and Affect in Human Technology Interaction
11:00 Coffee break
11:20 Parallel tracks: research, expert, adoption and startup

13:00  Lunch break

14:00  Parallel tracks: research, expert,  adoption and startup
16:00  Central closing
          Koert van Mensvoort - Creative Director of next nature Network
          Carlo van de Weijer - General Manager of EAISI
16:20  Exposition, networking & drinks