
C2W (Chemisch2Weekblad) is hét lijfblad voor professionals in de chemie, life sciences, laboratorium- en procestechnologie. C2W is het officiële orgaan van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV) inclusief de Nederlandse Biotechnologie Vereniging NBV. Het brengt tweewekelijks relevant wetenschappelijk nieuws en achtergronden over technische ontwikkelingen en mensen in de wereld van de moleculaire wetenschap, de chemie en biotechnologie.


Leden van het KIVI ontvangen technologietijdschrift De Ingenieur 12 keer per jaar uit hoofde van hun lidmaatschap.

De nieuwsbrief informeert u wekelijks kort en krachtig over het nieuws uit uw vakbranche,
zowel productinformatie als sectornieuwtjes.

Independent journal for process control and optimization. 6 issues per year; Subscription rate inside The Netherlands: € 29.95 per year.

Automatiseringsvakblad voor proces-, productie- en machineautomatisering, informatisering en instrumentatie in Nederland en België. Automatie en PMA verschijnen zowel digitaal, als app en printed magazine.



Agro Chemie

Agro & Chemie is het mediaplatform voor overheid, bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en intermediaire organisaties in de biobased en circular economy in Nederland en Vlaanderen


Process Engineering offers practical advice from qualified engineers and scientists on the technical and management challenges faced by engineers in the chemical, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, food processing and utilities sectors.

Chemical Engineering is published monthly by Access Intelligence, primarily for chemical engineers and related technical people in the chemical process industries (CPI), as well as at engineering, design and construction companies that serve the CPI. It is not uncommon for our readers to also get involved in other fields that employ chemical engineering technology.The magazine is edited for the “technical decision-maker,” an individual who applies engineering training to the making of technical and business decisions.

Chemical & Engineering News is a weekly magazine published by the American Chemical Society. C&EN editors and reporters based in Europe, the U.S., and Asia cover science and technology, business and industry, government and policy, education, and employment aspects of the chemistry field.

We cover the big technology and business stories that affect the worlds of chemical, biochemical and process engineering. This spans a broad range of topics that shape our lives, from refining oil into the chemicals that we wear, eat and wash with, to making the drugs, and cleaning the water, that help to keep us healthy and alive.

Our editorial board comprises a specialist group of leading industry figures who, in conjunction with the chemicals technology editorial team, identify the main drivers of the industry helping to produce regular, thought provoking opinion pieces on the latest issues, challenges and developments.