KIVI Carrousel
31 maart 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

Failure Stories

Failure Stories, verhalen uit het veld waar technische zaken net even iets anders liepen dan verwacht. We gaan periodiek in gesprek met ingenieurs van verschillende disciplines die vertellen over obstakels, hoe zij deze overkwamen en wat er van geleerd werd.

YKE Zuid-Holland
24 maart 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur


Restaurants, bars and pubs are closed, but KIVI Café is open! KIVI Cafe is a bi-weekly event on Wednesdays where we come together as young engineering professionals to discuss the everyday things we run into as young, starting engineers. Call it therapy for engineers with beer!

YKE Zuid-Holland
KIVI Carrousel
17 maart 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

Introduction & debate: Agile, Lean or QRM?

The world of engineering is full of processes and frameworks, but which is best to implement in what situation?

YKE Zuid-Holland
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10 maart 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

KIVI Café - PREFER - What type of engineer are you? - Part II

During this KIVI Café YKE provides a PREFER workshop (MATCH) to help you find out how to shape your career to match the type of engineer you are. This time a KIVI Coach will join the session to help you find your answers. This is Part II of the PREFER workshop.

YKE Zuid-Holland
KIVI Carrousel
3 maart 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

KIVI Carrousel - PREFER - What type of engineer are you? - Part I

During this KIVI Carrousel YKE provides a PREFER workshop (EXPLORE) to help you find out what type of engineer you are. This is Part I of the PREFER workshop.

YKE Zuid-Holland
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24 februari 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur


Restaurants, bars and pubs are closed, but KIVI Café is open! KIVI Cafe is a bi-weekly event on Wednesdays where we come together as young engineering professionals to discuss the every day things we run into as young, starting engineers. Call it therapy for engineers with beer!

YKE Zuid-Holland
18 februari 2021
16:00 uur - 17:00 uur

Het COVID-19 vaccin door Diederik Gommers

Een technisch-medische lezing over de werking van de vaccins die een einde moeten maken aan onze 1,5-metersamenleving

KST Overijssel
KIVI Carrousel
17 februari 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

KIVI Carrousel

KIVI Carrousel is a bi-weekly event where we can try out different things, such as telling each other about our failures, guest lectures, interviews, debates, a pub quiz or playing a game together. In this edition; an exclusive interview by Jorrit de Vries (chairman YKE) and Karsten Hoekzema (former chairman YKE) about the start of working life.

YKE Zuid-Holland