Energy Now 2023 Evoluon
Energy Transistion
15 mei 2023
09:30 uur - 17:30 uur

Energy Now 2023 the move towards energy independence

Energy transition has gained momentum in Europe in the past decade to ensure a sustainable future. The European Union has established goals for lowering carbon emissions through the use of renewable energy sources, but this transition will take time since Europe is heavily reliant on imported natural gas. However, due to the current geopolitical situation, the transition to energy independence has been accelerated. Implementation of any sustainable technology depends on the actions and the policies of the government as well as vertical integration to involve relevant stakeholders and the people.To become more independent and move towards clean energy; what are the alternatives which can meet the demand?

EL Noord-Brabant
Logo Future of Energy
11 mei 2023
13:00 uur - 20:00 uur

Future of Energy 2023

Ben je net als ons ook zo geïnteresseerd in welke uitdagingen, mogelijkheden en grote maatschappelijke relevanties de energietransitie allemaal te bieden heeft? Kom dan naar het jongeren event “The Future of Energy” op donderdag 11 Mei 2023 bij Breepark in Breda! Samen met een aantal grote bedrijven organiseert S.V. Sililicum lezingen, demo’s, pitches en workshops rondom het thema energietransitie.

KS Noord-Brabant
Safety Key
High Tech
20 april 2023
15:00 uur - 17:00 uur

NXP Company visit showing its newest products

The department KIVI Electrical Engineering invites you for a visit to the NXP Company at the High Tech Campus, Eindhoven. NXP is a very successful company with more than 30,000 people worldwide and a turnover of $13.205 billion. One of their unique products is an automotive one-chip radar. They also now have many IC’s using the new Matter standard.

EL Noord-Brabant
Logo Workplace Vitality Hub:
Workplace Vitality Hub
22 maart 2023
16:30 uur - 18:30 uur

Workplace Vitality Hub: improved work vitality through smart technologies

To boost the vitality of working people positively, partners Fontys, imec, TNO, TU/e, HTCE and Twice have founded the Workplace Vitality Hub. Home of the hub is High Tech Campus 85 in Eindhoven, a smart office in which the founding partners – together with business partners – combine their extensive knowledge and experience to create real, innovative and efficient solutions for a more vital working environment. Within the Workplace Vitality Hub, there are various possibilities for research projects and (graduation) assignments. For example, you can conduct research into the possibilities of active working, the effects of power naps or the role of smart sensor technology on the vitality of office workers.

EL Noord-Brabant
KS members only
23 december 2022
15:00 uur - 16:00 uur

ALV / GMM KIVI students 2022

Graag praten we je bij welke ontwikkelingen KS heeft doorgemaakt sinds de laatste ALV. Sluit aan als je meer wilt weten over de plannen van KS voor 2023 en natuurlijk ook als je zelf iets bij wilt dragen. We ontmoeten elkaar voor deze ALV online zodat alle studenten uit heel Nederland erbij kan zijn.

KS Zuid-Holland