Activity Committee E-South of the Royal Dutch Engineers Society department Electrical Engineering


dr. ir. E. (Eric) Persoon   President of Activity Committee KIVI-E South  
ir.  E.J. (Engel) Hoefgeest   Member of Activity Committee KIVI-E South  

dr. ir. S.B. (Steven) Luitjens


Member of Activity Committee KIVI-E South

ir. L. (Loek) Boonstra  


Member of Activity Committee KIVI-E South 


No picture dr. ir. K. (Koen) Huizer   Member of Activity Committee KIVI-E South   
dr. ir. J.M. (Jan) Vleeshouwers   Member of Activity Committee KIVI-E South   
Contacts inside KIVI







ing. Paul van Moerkerken

ing. Richard van Heijningen

André van de Sande

Gijs Lankveld


Board member KIVI Electrical Engineering


Spokesman KIVI Electrical Engineering


Account manager KIVI Electrical Engineering


Account manager KIVI

E Mail KIVI Sector Electrical Engineering


Contacts TU/e

prof. dr. ing. A.J.M. (Guus) Pemen   Technical University Eindhoven Electrical Engineering Advisor Activity Committee E-South
prof. dr. Koen Kok  

Voltijdshoogleraar Intelligente Energiesystemen

Faculty Electrical Engineering van de Technical University Eindhoven.

Association THOR   The study association Thor focusses on the enrichment of the students of Electrical Engineering and Automotive at Eindhoven University of Technology. THOR represent is pacipating in the Program Group KIVI-E South.

E-mail general: