EnergyNL2050 energy system Presentations in 2020 en 2021


This page refers to presentations regarding the EnegrgyNL2050 plan in the years 2020 and 2021.

The presentations of the following events are covered:

  • The KIVI-jaarcongress 2020, December 1, 2020.
  • The EIRES Webinar, April 16, 2021
  • The KIVI Electrical Engineering ALV, September 9, 2021
  • The presentation during the KIVI activity at The PV-park Altweerterheide, November 10, 2021

They all deal with the energyNL2050 energy system. However, the focus and the type of content is not completely the same.

Short summary EnergyNL2050 energy system:

Based on views of more than 50 Dutch professionals and a large body of national and international reports resulted in a concept for a carbon-free energy system, based on electrification, solar power and wind energy, with hydrogen as a long-term buffer.
Simulations using historical weather data show that the system is robust, and financial analysis indicates that it is affordable. The time horizon is 2050.


CO2 neutrale energievoorziening in 2050; haalbaar en betaalbaar

KIVI Year Congres at December 1, 2020.

Three parts with a presentation each. The presentations are in Dutch.

  1. CO2 vrije energievoorziening in 2050 Wel Zeker! Eric Persoon (KIVI Elektrotechniek)
  2. Dynamische Karakteristieken PV en wind geen probleem, Koen Huizer (KIVI Elektrotechniek)
  3. Op weg naar CO2 vrije energievoorziening in 2050, Koen Huizer (KIVI Elektrotechniek)

The presentations deal with the report of the EnergyNL2050 energy system in all its facets.
They are the first presentations of the results as presented in the whitepaper from 2020.
An important energy source for the EnergyNL2050 system is offshore wind. Jasper Vis (Tennet)  presented the plans for wind on the North Sea.


The online session gave rise to several questions from the participants. The questions and answers have been summarized in a document. Click here for the summary of the Q&A session December 1, 2020.

Video recording

The online sessions have been recorded. The links to the video recording of the jaarcongres session W13 below.

  1. W13. Part 1 CO2 neutrale energievoorziening in 2050; haalbaar en betaalbaar (01-12-2020 13.30 - 15.00)
  2. W13. Part 2 CO2 neutrale energievoorziening in 2050; haalbaar en betaalbaar (01-12-2020 15.00 - 16.30)

Design of a Dutch carbon-free energy system

EIRES Webinar, April 16, 2021

Speaker: Koen Huizer- KIVI | section Electrical Engineering
The presentation is part of an online series of the Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES) at the TU/e.
Some of the myths about backup power and power stability are discussed.
The time horizon of the EnergyNL2050 energy system is 2050. Is the concept sufficiently future proof to guide strategic decisions for the next decades?


The online session gave rise to several questions from the participants.
The Q&A in the chatsession has been summarized in a document. Click here for the summary of the Q&A session.

NL2050 Energieplan - de actualiteit

KIVI Electrical Engineering ALV, September 9, 2021.

Speaker: Koen Huizer (KIVI Elektrotechniek)
In this presentation the EnergyNL2050 energy system is discussed, and some new input related to the detailed boundary conditions of the system are introduced.

Video recording
The recording of the online session is available at opname.

Energiesysteem van Nederland in 2050

PV-park Altweerterheide, November 10, 2021

Speaker: Koen Huizer (KIVI Elektrotechniek)
The EnergyNL2050 energy system was presented to participants of the activity at the location of Zonnepark Altweerterheide of the “Weert Energie” cooperation.
The EnergyNL2050 energy system is discussed, and some new input related to the plans of the Weert community are introduced.